#Baseball #2020 #Seniors #Max #Issac #Brady #Chase #Riley #Evan #DragonPride
almost 4 years ago, Barry Gurvey
BB Max
BB Scoreboard
BB Evan
BB Uniforms 4
Tonight we honor the #seniors the #Baseball team. Congrats to #Max #Issac #Brady #Chase #Riley #Evan #2020
almost 4 years ago, Barry Gurvey
BB Riley
BB Uniforms 1
BB Uniforms 3
Tonight we honor the #seniors on the #BoysTrack team. Congrats to #Blaine #Dallas #Ethan #Gabe #Jacob #Kai #Nick #Owen #Seth #Traeton #Trey
almost 4 years ago, Barry Gurvey
BTRK Benner
BTRK Uniforms
The stadium will be closed for public access on June 3rd, 4th, and 5th from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm daily, due to construction work.
almost 4 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
The Athletic Dept is organizing spring sports awards. There are a few award items that we are waiting on to be delivered. Once they are in, we will announce dates/times when you can come by and pick up the awards as well as spring sports pictures. #DragonPride
almost 4 years ago, Barry Gurvey
Tonight we honor the seniors on the #Softball team. Congrats to #Chelsey #Gabby and #Jada. #SeniorNight #2020
almost 4 years ago, Barry Gurvey
SB 1
SB Chelsey
SB 2
PCHS Senior Jrotc Cadet Michael Bennett was awarded a 3 year Army Rotc Scholarship and will attend Illinois University this fall. He was a member of Pekin's drill team, and upon graduation he will commission into the US Army. LTC Hallstrom.
almost 4 years ago, Larry Hallstrom
Pekin Jrotc Cadet Michael Bennett
We are providing all seniors with access to an updated PCHS Graduation Announcement (Please know this is not affiliated with the Herff Jones announcements). If you would like, please use the link below or the document attached to print off a graduation announcement to send to family and friends. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aDf1BzChdRfxlZ72P-CEvkCOaU4V4ECC/view?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
Updated PCHS graduation announcement: please use the link below or the document attached to print off a graduation announcement to send to family and friends. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aDf1BzChdRfxlZ72P-CEvkCOaU4V4ECC/view?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
#GirlsTrack #SeniorNight #2020 #Ariel #Chloe #Gabi #Lexi
almost 4 years ago, Barry Gurvey
Over the course of the next week or so, we are going to take some time to honor our senior spring athletes. Today we begin with #GirlsTrack. Congrats to #Ariel #Chloe #Gabi #Lexi
almost 4 years ago, Barry Gurvey
Use the link below to fill out the sign-up form by June 4th. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd4goXMaj2mLf-yTQPGpFdlECOafg_BGsR9te4WcxuHj5C2Ew/viewform?usp=sf_link **Please note, PCHS is waiting for guidance on ISBE regulations for Drivers Ed 2 (this past Spring and Summer). This information will be distributed once we get it.
almost 4 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
Summer camp clarification: All youth sports camps for the summer have been cancelled. More information about HS athletic conditioning and HS band camp will be forthcoming. #DragonPride #StayTuned
almost 4 years ago, Barry Gurvey
The PCHS Athletic Department will not be hosting any of their usual summer sports camps due to the current guidelines in effect from the State of IL. We expect to have our full complement of camps back for the summer of 2021. #DragonPride #StayHealthy #StayActive
almost 4 years ago, Barry Gurvey
PCHS would like to say congratulations to our three retirees who have over 80 years combined service to the district. Best of wishes to Shellie Sidell (Central Office), Bob Deiss (CTE) and Garry Broombaugh (Buildings and Grounds). Enjoy retirement!
almost 4 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
Below is a link to the food resources map as a resource for you to utilize if you have families or individuals needing food. The pantries are Tri-County. https://tazewellcounty.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Nearby/index.html?appid=bcaaa73edb8043febd79c83b70c94c26
almost 4 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
Just a reminder: Final grades will be available at 6pm on May 26th.
almost 4 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
Pekin Army JROTC cadets, face masks and all, salute all our fallen military members this Memorial Day. As we have always done, Cadets place American Flags at the grave sides of our fallen military men and women in Pekin. Remember them. #dragonpride #neverforget
almost 4 years ago, Larry Hallstrom
PCHS cadets place US flags for Memorial Day
Last Thursday night, the administrative team had the honor of hand delivering senior awards and $175,000 in scholarships to our PCHS seniors. It was a very memorable evening and our dragons were extremely excited and appreciative. In order for everyone to share in the student honors, we put together the presentation below: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSA757H8Etpky_1JWyOtJCOdM8ovTvuABoLV7XYNYJX3T2CDe3_Ph10NW4RmCwQOvxIsAqwDf7tDCKC/pub?start=true&loop=false&delayms=10000
almost 4 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter
Here's a message from our Special Education Department!
almost 4 years ago, Cynthia Hinderliter